Your daily source of fresh takes on news affecting America's passengers. See also the weekly NARP Hotline.
September 18, 2015
The good news: you got tickets to see Pope Francis during his visit first visit to the United States, with stops in Washington, D.C., New York City and Philadelphia. The bad news is that heightened security and huge crowds will make navigating these three cities a bit more challenging.
The National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) is here to help with tips that will help you use public t...
September 17, 2015
The death of Thomas Pulsifer, the former president of the Ohio Association of Railroad Passengers (OARP) on Sept. 8 was announced recently by Ken Prendergast, executive director of All Board Ohio.
Tom was a man who inspired many people, said Prendergast. He was the longest serving president of OARP, leading the organization from 1976 to 89. The association was founded in 1973 by his friend and...
September 16, 2015
Former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis (Photo courtesy of Northeastern University)
The Association for Public Transportation-Massachusetts Association of Railroad Passengers (APT-MARP) will host a Transportation and Economic Development Program on September 24, 2015, moderated by former Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis. The program will be held at Northeastern University’s Alumni Center...
August 20, 2015
Jill Meyer, CEO of the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber
NARP has been championing the cause of “A Connected America,” where all transportation modes—road, air, water and rail—work together in balance doing what each mode does best to move people, goods and ideas seamlessly together across our states and regions as part of a 21st century transportation system.
If we as a country are to bui...
August 12, 2015
A Metro Transit Blue Line Train. Photo courtesy of John Watne via Flickr.
Last week I attended a journalism convention in Minneapolis. Whenever I travel, I always like to take advantage of public transportation options to get from the airport to downtown, and the region’s Metro Transit system has that.
I did my research and discovered that the Twin Cities has a very robust public transportat...