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Spinning the budget, kicking the can down the road while the roads (and Amtrak) deteriorate

November 26, 2013

Written By Ross Capon Amtrak figured in a rather positive way in a November 21 Washington Post editorial, “Where the money is: As Congress faces yet another spending deadline, it continues to ignore the true debt problem.” The Post was ridiculing suggestions about what would constitute meaningful budget savings. Here’s the key passage: The Congressional Budget Office’s latest report on d...

Judge's Ruling a Setback for California High Speed Trains

November 25, 2013

Written By Sean Jeans Gail A Sacramento judge ruled today that the California high speed rail project, as currently constituted, cannot tap state bonds approved by voters in 2008. The decision, based on the judge’s interpretation, could cause further delays for the project, which is scheduled to break ground on construction this year. The Los Angeles Times called the ruling a “major blow�...

Pay no attention to the tax-sucking behemoths behind the curtain

November 25, 2013

Written By Colin Leach Amtrak's Acela Express. Photo credit to Connor Harris via Wikimedia Foundation As might be expected, last week’s kangaroo court-style hearing into Amtrak’s food and beverage service has caused critics of the railroad to emerge from the woodwork. These critics have rehashed tired claims against passenger rail in the United States, arguing that it’s a money-losing pr...

Flashback Friday: A gift for Reagan, clean air & trains, Iowa specials, and Railfone

November 22, 2013

Written By Malcolm Kenton An occasional feature looking at the archives of NARP's monthly newsletter, available to NARP members and published continuously since 1968. December 1987: NARP writes a speech calling for an increased gas tax as a “Christmas present for President Reagan” or his successor. “Our legacy to future generations must include a lifestyle that can be sustained—not one t...

Better than Google Maps?

November 21, 2013

Written By Abe Zumwalt Getting around just got easier. The gala launch event for RideScout happened last night in DC’s 1776 startup incubator. RideScout, developed in part by some enterprising military veterans who tired of seeing the glaring inefficiency of empty seats in cars, busses, and trains (hence the referential name). Using the magic of mobile technology, as well as an impressive coope...