NARP Releases, Statements & Letters
An archive of press releases, Congress-ional statements, letters to officials, and written testimony.
February 23, 2016
For Immediate Release (#16-02)
Contact: Robert Brady
(202) 289-4001
New Surface Transportation Board Policy Overreaches Federal Law and Would Cause Significant Passenger Delays
Washington, D.C. – In written comments to the U.S. Surface Transportation Board (STB), the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) strongly urged the administrative body to withdraw its new “Policy State...
February 22, 2016
[Click here for PDF of statement, including charts]
Ms. Cynthia T. Brown,
Chief, Section of Administration
Office of Proceedings
Surface Transportation Board
395 E. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20423
Re: Ex Parte 728: Policy Statement on Implementing Passenger Rail OTP and Preference Provisions of 49 U.S.C. § 24308(C) and (F)
Dear Ms. Brown:
The National Association of...
February 10, 2016
For Immediate Release (#16-01)
Contact: Robert Brady
(202) 289-4001
Proposed rules ignore 24 states, will not monitor 90 percent of Amtrak network
Washington, D.C. – In response to the U.S. Surface Transportation Board’s (STB) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) has urged the agency to address on-time performance (OTP) of passenge...
February 8, 2016
[Click here for PDF of statement]
Ms. Cynthia T. Brown,
Chief, Section of Administration
Office of Proceedings
Surface Transportation Board
395 E. Street, SW
Washington, DC 20423
Re: Ex Parte 726: On -Time Performance under Section 213 of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008
Dear Ms. Brown:
The National Association of Railroad Passengers, the nati...
December 10, 2015
For Immediate Release (#15-26)
Contact: Benet J. Wilson
443/838-7033 mobile
WASHINGTON, D.C. —Following yesterday’s announcement that Amtrak President Joseph Boardman will be retiring effective September 2016, the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) issued a message of thanks and congratulations on his decades of service to the rail industry.
NARP has worked with Boardman...