
Happening Now


Your weekly source of fresh takes on news affecting America's passengers. See also the NARP Blog.

Hotline #713-A

March 25, 1992

Great news today from the Supreme Court. On a 6-3 vote, the high court overturned a lower court's ruling that Amtrak and the ICC acted improperly by condemning a piece of Guilford trackage in Vermont used by the Montrealer. Ruling for Amtrak were Rehnquist, Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Scalia, and Souter. Dissenting were White, Blackmun, and Thomas. This important victory is expected to put Amtrak...

Hotline #713

March 20, 1992

The current co-sponsors of H.R.4414 are Representatives Swift, Ritter, Pease, Richardson, Slattery, Manton, Andrews, Eckart, Frank, and Wyden -- but we need more for this important Ampenny bill! It now looks like there will never be a vote on H.R.3732, Representative Conyers' (Mich.) proposal to remove the wall between defense and domestic spending. Without it, a House budget resolution will take...

Hotline #712

March 13, 1992

Chairman Al Swift's Amtrak trust fund bill, H.R.4414, was introduced March 10. He is asking each NARP member to write to their Representatives and ask them to co-sponsor H.R.4414. Already sponsoring are Representatives Ritter, Pease, Richardson, Slattery, Manton, Andrews, Eckart, and Frank. A House vote on whether to remove the wall between defense and domestic spending has been postponed at leas...

Hotline #711-A

March 10, 1992

Chairman Al Swift's Amtrak trust fund bill was introduced this afternoon in the House. It is H.R.4414. Swift has asked each NARP member to ask their Representative to co-sponsor this important bill. Representatives Ritter, Pease, Richardson, Slattery, Manton, and Andrews already are sponsors. Meanwhile, H.R.4250, the Amtrak reauthorization bill, was approved March 5 by the Transportation Subcommit...

Hotline #711

March 6, 1992

Chairman Swift's Amtrak trust fund bill has not been introduced yet in the House, but we are told that it will happen soon. Swift still needs co-sponsors, so ask your Representative to support his bill. Meanwhile, H.R.4250, the Amtrak reauthorization bill, was approved yesterday by Swift's Transportation Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. The House has approved a budget reso...