
Happening Now


Your weekly source of fresh takes on news affecting America's passengers. See also the NARP Blog.

Hotline #698

December 6, 1991

The surface transportation bill has not yet been signed, though President Bush is expected to do so next week. As we read the fine print of the bill, we find some more good news, despite the cutting of passenger rail from the flexible program. Amtrak routes with significant commuter traffic, such as Chicago-Milwaukee and New York-Albany, still qualify. There is money for three important intermoda...

Hotline #697

November 29, 1991

The surface transportation bill now awaits the President's signature. The full House passed the conference bill on November 27, 377-42, and the Senate passed it 79-8. Of course, the bad news is that the final bill does not include Senate-bill language that included intercity passenger rail as an eligible use of the $24-billion flexible account of the Highway Trust Fund -- the "Surface Transportat...

Hotline #696-C

November 27, 1991

The surface transportation conferees completed their work yesterday afternoon. The conference report was filed at midnight. The full House passed the conference bill early this morning, 377-42. The Senate passed it this afternoon, 79-8. Of course, the bad news is that on the evening of November 24, the conferees dropped Senate language that included intercity passenger rail and high speed rail as...

Hotline #696-B

November 26, 1991

During a conference meeting the evening of November 24, the language in the Senate surface transportation bill that included intercity passenger rail as an eligible program in the flexible account of the Highway Trust Fund was eliminated.Reportedly, Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D.-N.J.) made a brave defense of intercity passenger rail, but could not convince the Chairman of the House Public Works Commit...

Hotline #696

November 22, 1991

The experimental 900 number hotline will take effect one week from now, with Hotline #697 of November 29. The new number is 900/988-RAIL (900/988-7245). Please note that is slightly different from the number mistakenly announced last week. The first ten seconds are free, so you can see if you have already heard a particular message. The first minute is $2.00 and each minute after that is $1.00. Ho...