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NARP Releases, Statements & Letters

An archive of press releases, Congress-ional statements, letters to officials, and written testimony.

Supreme Court Decision Victory for America's Train Passengers

March 9, 2015

For Immediate Release (#15-04) March 9, 2015 Contact: Sean Jeans-Gail, 202-408-8362 Supreme Court Decision Victory for America’s Train Passengers Updated March 9, 5:20 Eastern: The date of the NARP Day on the Hill was corrected to April 21. In a victory for passengers, the Supreme Court vacated a lower court decision, reinstating metrics and standards for Amtrak service that will protect the...

U.S. House Overwhelmingly Defeats Amtrak-Killing Amendment

March 4, 2015

For Immediate Release (#15-03) March 4, 2015 Contact: Sean Jeans-Gail - 202-408-8362 U.S. House Overwhelmingly Defeats Amtrak-Killing Amendment Washington, D.C.—The National Association of Railroad Passengers applauds the U.S. House of Representatives for its overwhelming defeat of an Amtrak-killing amendment to the Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act (H.R. 749). The amendment to eliminat...

NARP Statement on House T&I Markup of PRRIA 2015

February 12, 2015

For Immediate Release (#15-02) February 12, 2015 Contact: Sean Jeans-Gail - 202-408-8362 NARP Statement on House T&I Markup of PRRIA 2015 Washington, D.C.--Statement of Jim Mathews, President & CEO of the National Association of Railroad Passengers, in response to today’s House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure mark-up of the Passenger Rail Reform & Investment Act o...

Statement on Senate Commerce Surface Transportation Subcommittee Hearing on Improving Transportation Network

February 12, 2015

Statement of Jim Mathews President & CEO National Association of Railroad Passengers * * * Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security The Honorable Deb Fischer, Chair The Honorable Cory Booker, Ranking Member ***U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation * * * Hearing on Improving the Performance of our Transpor...

House Rail Legislation Includes Reforms, Raises Key Questions

February 5, 2015

For Immediate Release (#15-01) February 5, 2015
 Contact: Sean Jeans-Gail, NARP – 202-408-8362 House Rail Legislation Includes Reforms, Raises Key Questions Washington, D.C.—Upon review of the Passenger Rail Reform and Investment Act of 2015 (PRRIA 2015) introduced by the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, the National Association of Railroad Passengers (NARP) finds many...