NARP Releases, Statements & Letters
An archive of press releases, Congress-ional statements, letters to officials, and written testimony.
June 7, 2017
Rail Passengers Launch "Rally for Trains" Campaign
For Immediate Release (#17-12)
Contact: Xenophon Strategies – (202) 289-4001
Washington, D.C. - This summer's travel season may be the last with passenger trains for millions of Americans. The Trump Administration's proposed budget wipes out funding for long distance train service in over 220 cities and towns and in 23 states that will lose...
June 1, 2017
#SummerByRail 2017 to Stop in 22 Cities Over 27 Days on a Multi-modal Adventure
For Immediate Release (#17-11)
Contact: Xenophon Strategies – (202) 289-4001
Washington, D.C. – Two college students won the summer’s best internship which will take them on a 27-day road trip by train to 22 cities. Victoria Principato and Caitlin Boyle were hired by the National...
May 23, 2017
For Immediate Release (#17-10)
Contact: Xenophon Strategies – (202) 289-4001
Washington, D.C.--The Trump Administration released a detailed budget proposal that guts funding to Amtrak’s long-distance trains, and slashes funding to key transit and transportation funding programs, threatening to accelerate the deterioration of physical infrastructure constricting economic growth in the U.S.
May 22, 2017
For Immediate Release (#17-09)
Contact: Xenophon Strategies – (202) 289-4001
Washington, D.C. - National Association of Railroad Passengers President and CEO Jim Mathews issued the following statement of support in response to the Federal Transit Administration’s (FTA) decision to move forward with a Full Funding Grant Agreement (FFGA), federal investment for Caltrain’s Peninsula Corridor...
April 14, 2017
For Immediate Release (#17-08)
Contact: Xenophon Strategies – (202) 289-4001
Rail Passengers Association Honors Legislators for Improving Travel and Commerce, and Clearing the Way for Return of Vermont - Montreal Connection
Washington, D.C. — The National Association of Rail Passengers, an organization representing the 40 million Americans who rely on passenger trains and rail transit, hon...